Chronic Pain Management with Western Medical Acupuncture
Get treated by a qualified & licenced Medical Acupuncturist, certified with the British Medical Acupuncture Society
Electroacupuncture for Pain Management
Electroacupuncture therapy involves insertion and electrostimulation of very fine acupuncture needles. It is a Western adaptation of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture. We use current knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology to stimulate these acupuncture points with tiny electrical currents. This therapy is backed by Clinical Evidence.
Are you suffering from chronic pain? Medical management has its limitations, why not try holistic care, for mind & body therapy! Electroacupuncture can help with chronic pain management by breaking the pain cycle. It is a safer treatment alternative to medications and injection therapies and can sometimes avoid the need for surgery. The benefits maybe short-term to start with but is cumulative with successive treatment sessions.
Dr Amit Kumar brings you over 20 years of experience with pain management. Medically qualified (MBBS, FRCA) with UK accreditations in Pain Medicine (FFPMRCA) and Medical Acupuncture (CMA, DipMedAc). You can be reassured that you are in safe hands. Contact to make an appointment or to discuss if medical acupuncture can help you. Clinics are based at Sunderland and Newcastle, with out-of-hours easy access and convenient parking.